Website Navigation

What Is Website Navigation?

Website navigation refers to the design element that allows users to find and access the different pages and content on the website. It’s the structure and layout of the website, and it should be designed in an intuitive and logical way to make it easy for users to find what they need.

Types of Website Navigation

There are several different types of website navigation that can be used. The most common include:

Drop-down menus:

This type of website navigation uses a menu bar at the top of the page that shows the main categories of content. When a user clicks on one of the categories, a drop-down menu appears with the sub-categories and pages available.

Breadcrumb navigation:

This type of navigation includes a series of links that show the user’s current location on the website. It can help users go back to pages they’ve visited before and helps them to understand their current location within the site.

Site search:

Site search is a feature that allows users to quickly search for content within the website. It’s usually located in the top right-hand corner of the page.

Footer navigation:

Footer navigation is located at the bottom of the website and includes links to the main pages and content on the website. It’s typically used to link to site policies, contact pages and other important information.

Design Considerations for Website Navigation:

When designing website navigation, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. The navigation should be:

• Easy to use: The navigation should be intuitive and easy to use. Users should be able to find what they need quickly and easily.

• Visible: The navigation should be clearly visible on the page. It should be easy to see and recognize.

• Consistent: The navigation should be consistent across the website. It should use the same design and layout on each page.

• Relevant: The navigation should be relevant to the content on the site. It should include links to the most important pages on the website.